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Philips CPAP Lawsuits

When it comes to health devices, we as consumers are left at the mercy of those who design and manufacture these products. Unfortunately, issues are not always spotted and reported, causing harm to those whom the companies claim to help. Whether this is due to a simple mistake, sheer neglect, or in the worst case, greed, the results are the same. People are hurt and lives are damaged or lost. This appears to be the case regarding Philips recalled CPAP, BiPAP and ventilator machines.

About the Recall

Many investigations and lawsuits are currently underway regarding the side effects and health damages caused by Philips’ recalled CPAP sleep apnea machines. Recalled in June 2021, these machines have been found to emit defective sound-abatement foam which contains toxic chemicals and gases and has been breathed in directly by users. This hazardous foam can potentially lead to severe health injuries, including death, and was estimated by Philips to have been used in 3 to 4 million devices.

The specific issue is in regards to the polyester-based polyurethane (PE-PUR) foam which is a sound-abatement component of several Philips CPAP devices. This foam is broken down by the machine and inhaled directly by the CPAP user. The degraded foam used in the recalled devices may release toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. There have even been several instances of consumers reporting black debris in the breathing tubes of these recalled machines.

Results of the defective product range from minor side effects, such as headaches, chest pressure and coughs, to much more serious diseases and respiratory problems. Here is a very limited list of some of the potential injuries.

  • Lung Damage/Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Airway Irritation & Inflammation
  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack/Failure
  • Liver Cancer/Disease
  • Kidney Cancer/Disease
  • Colon Cancer/Disease
  • Organ Damage


Which Philips CPAPs are Recalled?

The Philips CPAP recall, which was initiated in June 2021, has extended to millions of consumers and machines as the defective foam was used in several of Philips’ devices. Some of the devices that have been included in the recall include, but are not limited to:

  • Philips CPAP Machines
  • DreamStation CPAP
  • Dorma CPAP
  • C-Series CPAP
  • OmniLab Advanced Plus CPAP
  • REMStar SE Auto CPAP
  • System One CPAP

Philips announced on September 1, 2021 that it would repair or replace recalled devices. However, it could take up to one year to complete this process. Until that time, consumers may need to seek alternative devices. This recall is related to products sold between 2009 and 2021.

Am I Eligible for a Case?

As a maker of health products, it is Philips’ direct responsibility to routinely check for defects that could cause harm to consumers. Because they did not do their due diligence, it’s important that they be held responsible, and that those who have been wrongly affected are compensated for the damage caused.

If you or a loved one were using a recalled Philips device and later experienced any health issues, including but not limited to those listed above, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. If you’re uncertain, Christian & Christian can help to determine if you qualify for a case.

Christian & Christian Will Help

No matter the level of pain or injury, please reach out to Christian and Christian and we can help you to determine your eligibility to file a lawsuit. We will do everything possible to ensure that you are compensated for the pain, setbacks or losses that you have had to face.

As time is limited to file, we advise that you seek counsel as soon as possible. While Philips CPAP lawsuits are currently in their early phases, with millions of recalled devices, we expect large numbers of lawsuits and potentially large settlements and want to ensure that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to.

If you or a loved one have been affected, it’s important that you keep the recalled machine as evidence until we know whether or not you have a case. If Philips is demanding that it be returned to them, we can mediate and make sure that you are not harassed.

In the meantime, if you are experiencing any health concerns, please see your doctor and follow the appropriate medical help and guidance. We at Christian & Christian wish you well, and are here to help.

CPAP Consultation

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